Mati Talent Institute personalized approach to self-paced learning and schedule flexibility allows for students to pursue dual enrollment opportunities. Dual enrollment allows students to enroll in courses provided by colleges that let students earn both high school and college level credits allowing your student to pursue courses with college level rigor at lower costs.
We have an affiliation agreement with the Florida Virtual School program. This means that students residing in Florida and currently enrolled in MATI can register and participate in the free FLVS Flex program.
Elementary age students in grades K-5 can also participate in the free FLVS Flex program. Please note that there are some differences in the requirements for the elementary program.
Please visit for more information.
When you register with FLVS, please do so as a private school student. If you require a student identification number, this is your student's social security number. (You may have to add an x to the end of the SS#). After choosing your district (our school is located in Broward County), a box will open with a list of available schools, choose MATI TALENT INSTITUTE PRIVATE SCHOOL.